Our capital city is buzzing with ways to shake things up on a first date. But with so much going on, you might find it hard to choose. Here is our list of ideas to keep your date on top form:
1.) Stay on the ball with a game of ping pong. You will have to be quick-witted for this one so get practising your smash! Bounce Old Street is sure to keep the date moving.Tables can be booked for 30 minutes (£10/£14.50) or 60 minutes (£19.50/£28).http://www.bouncepingpong.com/
2.) Embrace your rock ‘n roll in true American fashion at All Star LanesBrick Lane. At this retro venue, you can grab a bite to eat, sing karaoke and play a game of bowling. This might be the best place for your date to be bowled over and for you to play a perfect game. Lanes can be booked for £6.95/£8.95per person per game.https://www.allstarlanes.co.uk/
3.) Aim for a hole-in-one with a game of crazy golf. Choose from one of three courses at Junk Yard Golf Club, navigating around jacuzzis and treadmills, as well as battling it out around the UV section. Your date is sure to get off to a swinging start! Grab a putt for £9.50 per person (including booking fee).http://www.junkyardgolfclub.co.uk/
4.) Embrace your inner child and enter into the fun and games of dating.The Four Quarters is a vintage arcade games bar and will see you battling it out on nostalgic classics for winning glory. You can also grab a bite to eat whilst you’re at it. http://www.fourquartersbar.co.uk/